Working to Preserve Rare Breeds
In the late 1980’s, owners Cheryl & Joel DiTommaso saw in the Boston Globe’s Parade section, an article called ‘Safe Keeping’ which focused on rare farm breeds, their importance in our world and how many of them were close to extinction. There were pictures of a rare goat and pig. Before reading this article, Cheryl & Joel never realized that farm animals of any type could be in such jeopardy. As lifelong animal lovers, they immediately realized how passionately they felt about this problem and the necessity to prevent these breeds from perishing forever! While not in a position to champion the cause at that time, they knew the idea would be revisited someday.
Then around the year 2000 with their 2 children old enough, they finally had the availability to contemplate starting a venture to save rare farm animals while simultaneously educating others, particularly children, but also adults, about farm animals. They soon began researching viable breeds for New England, understanding how they could become involved in their preservation and engaging with other like-minded organizations who were already part of this journey. Their Dalby Farm mission was, and still is, to allow others to not only learn but have a meaningful “experience” with rare farm animals firsthand to further their survival and their value in our world.
Dalby Farm Today
Today, Dalby Farm has various rare farm breeds ranging from rare poultry to rare livestock and is actively involved in teaching and raising awareness about animals and nature. The rare breed farm animals that call Dalby Farm home are fondly called “The Ambassadors of their breeds.” by the DiTommaso family. The farm continues to teach how animals and nature have so much to offer and the importance of remembering that in nature, everything is intertwined; what affects one thing today will ultimately affect many other things down the line. If we do not start to address this problem, it will be too late and once a species becomes extinct, it is lost forever.